#givingtuesday2022 is around the corner! Mark your calendars!

#givingtuesday2022 is around the corner! Mark your calendars!
This global movement of generosity that encourages communities to do good and gives a chance to hundreds of thousands of nonprofits around the globe to raise funds for their noble causes is on November 29, 2022.
#St.NicholasUkrainianCatholicEparchy is launching its first ever #GivingTuesday Сampaign dedicated to our beloved #St.NicholasUkrainianCatholicCathedral.
With your generous support we have accomplished the restoration of the East and the West End of the Cathedral, but we still need your help to keep the restoration going.
Please join us in our efforts to continue the restoration and to save the Cathedral for our children and future generations!
Our goal for the #GivingTuesday Campaign is $50,000.
Please click the “Donate” button on the Eparchial Facebook page “St. Nicholas Diocese in Chicago for Ukrainians” on November 29th, 2022 or scan the QR code below.
Giving is just a click away!
Giving Tuesday1

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